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That's what my DD will do next year. 2 DS's went into VT with other stuff (oldest DS straight from public school and 2nd DS from a mishmash disaster of pre-A lol) so I don't know exactly how well the transition will go, but I have lots of experience with VT from both DSs and I can tell DD will be more than prepared for VT after MM7.


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That's what my DD will do next year. 2 DS's went into VT with other stuff (oldest DS straight from public school and 2nd DS from a mishmash disaster of pre-A lol) so I don't know exactly how well the transition will go, but I have lots of experience with VT from both DSs and I can tell DD will be more than prepared for VT after MM7.


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I don't know why I thought I had to start my 13 yo ds (7th grade) in VT this year.  He is catching on, but moving quite slowly.  I think we will give it a break and do some MM and pick up VT in 9th and try to pick up the pace then.

Would that make sense?  I don't want to lose ground this close to 9th!



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I don't know why I thought I had to start my 13 yo ds (7th grade) in VT this year. He is catching on, but moving quite slowly. I think we will give it a break and do some MM and pick up VT in 9th and try to pick up the pace then.

Would that make sense? I don't want to lose ground this close to 9th!



2nd DS did VT in 8th and while it went fine, when we picked it back up again in 9th he struggled and had forgotten a lot. So we started over at Module B or C and it went really smoothly. I think he just wasn't ready for Algebra yet before that. I told him I'd rather see him solid on his algebra and only get to pre-calculus in 12th than hurry through the basic algebra and leave holes in his understanding. So we're calling it Algebra I for 9th and finishing VT next year (He just finished​ module E) . If it takes a year and a half after that to get through VT Geometry, so be it. He'll still be set for Chalkdust Pre-calculus in 12th and will have a firm foundation.


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