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Gluten-free & dairy-free diet...resource & recipe recommendations...

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I've just been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and my doctor wants me to go on a gluten and dairy free diet. It's not the end of the world, but it IS overwhelming to change my diet so drastically and give up so much of what I love! I also am pre-diabetic and have high cholesterol and am in peri-menopause. Seems like a lot to deal with right now. Doctor says it's like the "perfect storm" of health issues, but I will feel better eventually. 


I love pizza and cheese and Mexican food and bread and ice cream......*sigh... 


On top of the GF/DF diet, doctor wants me to go on a Cardiometabolic diet, which is a heart-healthy Mediterranean type way of eating. 


Anyway, I would love some resources that have been helpful and recipes that you love. I feel like I will do okay at home, but dining out with friends and on vacation is what seems more challenging. 







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I love pizza and cheese and Mexican food and bread and ice cream......*sigh... 



I found pizza hopeless GFCF, but Mexican is easy! Just leave off the cheese and use corn tortillas or hard taco shells. Mexican food is one of the most friendly for gluten and dairy free!


Ice cream made with Silk very vanilla soy milk is wonderful. SoDelicious brand makes yummy dairy free ice creams too. They're pricey, but you don't have to feel like you're missing out. 


We were Gluten and dairy free for 9 years, but its been awhile now, so I can't give current information. I can tell you there was nothing that I couldn't make gluten free. Yeast breads aren't as good, but quick breads, cookies, etc are and it isn't too hard to learn to make them. Dairy free is somewhat limiting. Cream based soups, and cheese heavy dishes just aren't as good with substitutes, but sweet thing work well with substitute milks (which tend to be sweet).


If there are specific recipes you want, feel free to PM me. I generally used my standard recipes and just substituted. For flour I used a mix of 2 parts sorghum flour/1 part tapioca starch and added 1 tsp of xanthan gum per cup of flour. I've heard Bob's Red Mill sorghum flour is awful. I got my from Twin Valley Mills. There are a lot of gf flour mixes readily available in most grocery stores, and Aldi's is a (relatively) cheap source for GF products that I've heard are good, but I stopped being GF before Aldi's started carrying it :).

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There is a lot out there. We get the veggie burgers from Costco with a gluten free bun. So yummy! We also do gluten free pasta with marinara sauce. There is beans and rice with corn chips and salsa. You can also make any kind of sandwhich with udis gluten free bread. (Except cheese of course)

There are breakfast bars that are gf df at Walmart, and also muffins in the frozen section.


We also do lentil soup and gf cornbread made with almond milk.



There is plenty out there. You just have to improvise but it is not the end of the world. My daughter and I are also mostly meat free as well. This diet makes us feel so much better.

I also have hashimotos as well as other conditions.

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I have several dietary restrictions. Sometimes when I can't find anything on the menu, I just ask if the chef can give me a piece of plain grilled chicken, assuming the place has a grill. I give a good tip for accommodating. You can to go a burger restaurant and bring your own GF bun, or eat without a bun. Salads with chicken or eggs. Tacos in a corn shell.



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Paleo recipes.


You don't have to be strict about it or buy into it as a diet, but it's a good way to find gluten-free, dairy-free recipes.

Yeah. All Paleo recipes will work.


Once a month meals has a Paleo plan, it might be worth it to subscribe for a month or two to get some stuff in the freezer.

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