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Science based curriculum vs. History


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It is definitely not a packaged program but it seems to me that it would be possible to up the importance and presence of science and decrease history. I am just getting ready to add TOPS to our schedule. Each child already has one science program but my middle dd asked for more science. Look at the what TOG requires of your child. Any writing assignments could easily be done on science as opposed history. Extra reading could be about science. Supplementary reading for history could be about scientists and explorers. Projects could be science related, experiments, and similar.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy



I don't know your kids' ages though, so this might not be at an appropriate level.


If you don't care for this one, I would agree with another poster about hitting science hard while going through your regular studies (adding biographies and experiments to correlate with the science of the time). Unfortunately, it seems to me that science and most other aspects of history take a huge back seat to wars in most history spines. That would take a great deal of planning though.


As we get to later years, I plan to do a 2 year history of the world through science using Hakim's Story of Science. Unfortunately, the whole series isn't out yet so it wouldn't be possible now.



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There is also Animal Worlds from Winter Promise, but I don't know what ages your dc are.


You could also do your own thing--have a heavy science program as your spine and then add lots of living books based on science including science biographies. You would get a little history thrown in that way, too--history for whatever time period the discoveries were made.

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