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Chalk Dust questions

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Just asked some AOPS questions and really appreciate the replies. Now I'm looking into Chalk Dust.


Seems well regarded here, yes?


Looks like some people find it cheaper somehow? Something about generic Chalkdust? Is it exactly the same and how do you get it?




I used isbns from WTM threads. Dana Mosely is fabulous. Also contact the publisher to get a teacher's account online. (Cengage Learning) Don't take no for an answer. Keep asking until you get someone who knows what they're talking about. You'll need them to send you (email) a homeschool teacher's application. Once you get an account online, you'll have access for each course to any online resources available to other teachers.


Also, what is this about a teacher's account? What is the benefit?


Would the pre algebra program be appropriate for a 6th grader? And then algebra I as a 7th grader? And then do they recommend geometry after that, and then algebra II?

I’m trying to figure out what my son's middle school and high school math classes would look like. I see in the FAQs that they recommend Precalculus if a student is headed for the Sciences, but if they are headed for Humanities, then take ACT-SAT Math Review, but I have no idea what he will be interested in. I know… he’s just a 4th grader right now :) But what if he’s not sure when he’s an 8th or 9th grader?

I was also curious about the ACT-SAT Math Review. Is that a full year course?


Oh, and you pay $100 extra for support? What is that like?


Thank you guys SO MUCH!

Edited by lgliser
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