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Western Civilization to 1492 course

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I have not used the curriculum but it looked interesting so I googled a few different key words from the curriculum (Tom Jones, Ron Paul, homeschool, courses, etc)  and the only thing I could find (besides self promotion) was this discussion: 




*Ron Paul Curriculum = Tom Jones Courses & somehow Gary North is involved or writes the curriculum ?? 


I found other articles too but I wasn't sure how biased they were (or if they were actually true) so I am not linking those articles.... maybe try googling too. I had to go through several google pages before I found some material because there is a lot of promotion of the material that seems to "look like a review" but really isn't.


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Meaning that for many students who are simply checking a box, this is probably fine. I am assuming that you are choosing this particular program because it supports  personal theological, political, ideological, and economical theories that are important to you to pass on to your child.  If your student wishes to major in international studies or economics, you may wish to make a more mainstream choice.


I personally dislike the fact that it is so difficult to see a sample lesson. Did anyone else have any luck in finding it?

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