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How many books is too many?

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 It takes so much energy to straighten, keep track of, and organize our stuff that we're often overwhelmed. I think this applies to clothes, toys, books, kitchen gear, art supplies, crafts, etc.


I don't understand this. How does it take energy to keep books? I find books the easiest of all my possessions to store and organize.They go in their proper spot on the shelf and stay there unless somebody reads them.

What am I missing here?

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I would suggest buying the bookshelves that fit your house and then fill those bookshelves with the best books you can for the season of your life. We have a bookcase for each person in the house in their rooms and a couple of bookcases in the main rooms of our home. We keep the best books that fit those shelves and get rid of the rest. When I weed out books that we are no longer using. I usually know exactly how many inches of space I have to fill when I visit our library book sale, thrift store, or local used book store.


As mentioned before, it is always good to know which books aren't going to be read again so you can pass them on or resell them immediately.


When I was in college and worked at camps, I usually had limited space for my personal books. Often it was only two feet of a bookshelf to fill, I filled that two feet of shelf space with excellent books, beloved books, and books I really wanted to read. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aside from my personal collection and our homeschool library, DS has two bookshelves of his own stuffed with books. He's an avid reader who takes after his mom, so this is no surprise (except maybe that he only has two LOL).


About once every 1-2 years we go through his shelves to get rid of things he doesn't read anymore, much like we do with his toys. Some things I set aside elsewhere for future grandchildren, but most of the stuff he's grown out of I either send to my SIL for our nephew or we yard sale/donate.


I occasionally do this with my own books as well, but this only happens about once every 5-6 years because my collection is far more substantial and also tends to be more stable.

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