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RR Old Western Culture users- would this work?

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I've decided we don't want to integrate history and literature for high school. I like the balance of reading/watching/ writing in the Old Western Culture, though.


I have noticed that some units are mostly lit, some are mostly theology and some are mostly history. I'm considering using 2-3 of the mostly lit units a year as just lit, and lining it up with an appropriate history- (pairing "Enlightenment" with a regular government course, for example).



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I thought about doing the Epics and Drama and Lyric from the Greeks, plus the Aeneid from the Romans year, as literature, since I wouldnt want to do just Roman Roads for history and end up adding more and maybe doing too much. So we are thinking alike.


It seems like a reasonable plan. If it isn't enough, you could add more literature, and you can add in the Norton literary terms guide and even some more writing if needed, but with it you get the neoclassical Great Books emphasis.

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It would be a little light if that's ALL you do for Lit all year, imo.  It's not a taxing reading load (from what I've seen thus far, although dd is a fast reader) even doing the full course with all units- I still supplement dd for history and I'm not super rigorous Mom or anything. You could definitely do what you're talking about, but I would start out with the assumption that you'll need to supplement like Penelope suggests. Maybe grab the Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Lit or something and throw in some extra reading and a paper or two, since that's pretty budget conscious resource. 

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Okay, good to know. That makes sense, I guess. My last pass through high school ancients was with EIL 5, and I thought the pace was too quick without enough student framework (it was a co-op class I taught).


Maybe I'll plan for three units a year plus some writing textbooks- Workbook for Arguments, Discovery of Deduction, research writing etc. I do want to leave some room for "free academic reading".

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