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CLP history and science failed us this year


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I tried using CLP k science for a short science block this year. My son loves reading non fiction, but couldn't sit for the textbook.

Same with history I bought both the k and 1st history from them and my son just didn't want to sit through it.


So we stopped both.


I don't know if I should try again this upcoming year or if I should find something else.


With science I want simple and short. We do a nature walk. But I want a little bit more.

With history I really want a quick overview of all history and what history is before starting a history rotation.


Any ideas to help me find something or should I try again with these?

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I don't even schedule history and science for kindy. The attention span of the average 5yo just isn't there yet. K in my homeschool is all about phonics, penmanship, early math, and gobs of free play.


My 6yo listens to Story of the World and does some of the activities. I'm mostly running this for my 3rd grader and the 6yo tags along where he can. For science he's just listened to me read nonfiction books on topics he's interested in and played with some Magic School Bus kits. I plan on doing the exact same thing for him next school year.


SOTW is fabulous for 1st grade. You could just read and discuss the text, or get the activity guide for color pages, hands on projects, extra reading suggestions and such.


Have you read TWTM? I used those 1st grade science suggestions with my older kids and they worked fabulously. Low-key, interesting, just the right bite-size.

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Yes I have TWTM just not with me.... (on the other side of the world)

Last time I read it (2nd edition) was 1.5 years ago, I remember thinking we would really need a library to do science that way. We don't have an English library near us. My memory could be wrong though.


We are planning to start a history rotation this upcoming fall. I just think ds needs a little -what is history- overview before that. He is a big picture kid. Needs to know why and where we are going with things.

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