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Anything else self guided like HOD?


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I'm looking at RtR for next year for my DD who will be in 6th grade. We also do Classical Conversations and next year in CC the focus is US history and geography. We did HoD when they were young and left because of the fluff but I love the look of these self directed guides! Both my DD and currently 3rd grade DS have moved towards a lot of independence. I want to keep them studying the same history, science, and geography. DS could do a lot of the work in RtR but I think th reading would be too much for him and it would all be more fruitful if he waited a couple of years. CtC would be perfect I think but I don't want him doing ancients next year when we are doing US. Is there anything else out there like this?

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Yes, sorry, I meant Rev to Rev.


MFW is self guided? I thought it was teacher led. Last year they were not at a convention so I did not look at their programs. Is there a year or level that it switches to being self guided? I'm talking about the plans, not the assignments. I love the HOD guides from CtC on where they are assuming the student is reading the plans. I just think that gives the kids a whole new level of independence!

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It absolutely does. Some days I actually wish my kids were less independent. It's bittersweet. I know it's good for them but I miss the younger years.


Could you make a grid for them like MFW uses and print that out for them to read like a guide? Then they could be independent with whatever you use. Personally, I would be concerned that HOD might be too much with CC. We've never done CC, though, so i could be wrong.

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Thanks for your feedback! I don't think it will be too much to do with CC. We are only doing the morning program which requires the kids to prepare a presentation each week and practice memory work but that is less than twenty to thirty minutes a day prep for them.


I'm now looking at adding MFW Adventures for my DS. I think I could give him the teachers guide and let him do it mostly independently, even the read alouds for him to read on his own, and it would really be perfect for him.


I made assignment books for them this year and everyday I fill in their assignments and they check them off as they do them. I just love how HOD gives such specific instructions for each assignment!

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