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xp: Trying to decide on next year

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Yes, it's the time of the year that I do this lol.  I would LOVE to get some input/suggestions/btdt, whatever, about anything listed below!


The things that I'm trying to decide on are as follows:


6th Grade Science - Astro has done a lot of random science lol.  WTM science for most of the grammar stage, then Prentice Hall Science Explorer (technically above his level, it was combined with his brother, but we made it work) in 4th grade, Galore Park Science Year 5 in 5th.  
I'm not super attached to anything at this point.  Most likely he'll do Apologia starting in 7th, so really he just sort of has a year before he starts that whole progression.  I asked him what he'd prefer and he wants to decide for himself what to study... no word yet on what that might be.  So it's pretty open ended, but any ideas?


6th Grade Bible - generally at this point it's the first time that I really have them start to learn more about Bible history, etc - not interested in any 'Bible study' type materials or anything that we'd have to do together.  Link (8th grade next year) has been doing The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study, but it's a lot of writing and Astro hates to write.  Obviously some writing is necessary, but I don't really relish the idea of giving him something that's thatwriting-heavy.  


6th Grade Writing - So far he's done CAP W&R 1-3 (4 by the end of this year).  We may end up sticking with the same thing, but he's just not really big on writing, like I said above.  I'm not sure if there's anything that would suit him better out there.  I know they say 'if it's not broke, don't fix it', but I'm not sure that W&R is really up his alley, and can't say for sure that what we're doing is 'working'.  I don't really know what 'working' should look like for him.


8th Grade Writing - He's doing WWS1 this year; he doesn't love it but he's ok with it.  But he's never really loved any writing curriculum, so I'm not sure that'd change with a different curriculum.  When it comes to what he's learning, honestly, maybe WWS is good for him but I can't tell if it's that or a Current Events class he's currently taking locally (he has to write and present something every class).  I'm not saying I'm dying to switch, just wondering what else is out there that others have had good luck with so I can keep it all in consideration.


8th Grade Grammar - Again, he's had random so far.  The ones recommended in the 3rd edition of TWTM are Rod & Staff (which we could potentially switch to despite the amount of religiousness in it lol... it just sort of made me want to bang my head against a wall the first time I looked through it  :D ), Voyages in English, and Shurley.  I haven't gotten the newest WTM edition yet so I'm not sure if it's changed.  What do others use at this point?  Any suggestions?




Okay, that's all.   :lol:  It's so much easier with the youngest, I already know or can have a good handle on what she'll be doing for 3rd grade lol!  But at the same time it's less fun doing the preparation, since there isn't really any research or anything *new* involved.   :D  A trade off, I suppose.   :)



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We have used Memoria Press Christian Studies I-III.  Ahem, we've never been too studious about it though.  This year we've been using CS lV which has been a bare bones review of the entire Bible.  I thought it was a little dry, so we've added in What the Bible is all About for Young Explorers (older edition?).  What dd receives at church is more doctrinal but I also wanted her to have the When? Who? and Where? part too.  I really like the Young Explorers book. 


For grammar - R&S is the only thing we've used.  It is a pretty weak subject for me and I've learned quite a bit myself.  I do it with her.  We only do the grammar lessons and try to do as much orally as possible.  I have her complete the worksheets after the lesson to have her practice it on her own.  DD is 14yo and we are using R&S 7 this year.  I'm not very religious at this point in my life but it doesn't bother me too much.

Edited by PollyOR
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