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Vomiting 4 hours after dentist?

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DS 7yo had a couple of cavities filled today, using nitrous oxide (first time). He dealt with it fine, it didn't seem to affect him too much.


And 4 hours later, he was laying around refusing to do work because his stomach hurt, cue vomiting. At the 6 hour mark, another ton of vomit. 


Is this a regular side effect for nitrous oxide? Something I can just deal with and treat and not seek additional medical attention? Or a sign of something being wrong?


And of course, it could just be a stomach bug, since it's that time of year and we were feeling like we were about to be sick yesterday.

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I planned to call the dentist if he was still vomitting in the morning. They do have an emergency number, but he was drinking and eating jello so I decided against calling after hours.


He was happy to sit around all morning. I ended up not calling the dentist at all, and he was bouncing off the walls again as soon as he turned off the computer.


I'll ask the dentist next time we are there, if I remember. I should write myself a note to do that.


Hopefully the experience will impress the importance of good dental hygiene!

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