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We had to break down and turn on the heater....

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It got COLD here! Our house was in the 50's and we knew it would drop more overnight, and it was just too cold. I hate turning on the heater this early....but next week the highs are in the low 50's and the lows are in the 30's and even one night in the 20's, so it wouldn't have been much longer anyway. Anyone else have on their heater yet?

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It was about 60 in the house when we got up this morning (around 65 now), so pretty chilly! But it's supposed to be back up in the high 70s this week, so we're resisting turning the heat on. I did have to open up the rubbermaid tub of winter clothes for the kids though!

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I am proud to announce that this morning I lit the coal stove! And with just one match, too (anyone who has a coal or wood stove will appreciate this, lol).


Ria (warming nicely in PA)


I always feel very proud when I manage that too:D There are few things as frustrating as when you are freezing cold and the match keeps getting blown out by some phantom wind:glare:


And I've had the heat on in my study for weeks and we have had the wood stove and the tile ovens going off and on for weeks too.

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