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Computer Coding Classes for ages 9+


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Ok folks some big time help needed.


What resources are out there so can we add this skill?


One of my boys would eat this up if I could put the right program in front of him.


He is getting a PC for Christmas. He will be 11.


Help please!


The only thing I've found locally are classes over the summer. Nothing during the SY.


(No minecraft please.)


I am looking for basic coding skills, and I'm sure some robotics.



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Do you not want your kids to know there are Minecraft options available? That takes out some things. Code.org is awesome and free and there are full courses along with different "hour of code" projects. There is a Minecraft hour of code and one of this year's news upcoming hour of code projects is another Minecraft project so it will be heavily advertised on the site.


Youth Digital has amazing looking classes ($$) with great reviews. My kids are learning how to type right now because they are so desperate for me to sign them up but again some are Minecraft based and I am sure they would see that if they were on the site every day for a class.

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