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Do you ever feel like this?

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That was awesome!!!!


Thanks for posting this!!


I thought so, too. And I was hoping it hadn't already been posted. I can't seem to keep up with this board.






I love this list! I saw it originally in her Secular Homeschooler's publication. It covers just about everything doesn't it?


Thanks for the post, the video is fun to watch.


I hadn't seen it before. The video's the first I've ever heard of it. But since the video referred to it and you mentioned it, I'll link to it.


The Bitter Homeschooler's Wish List

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I'll be the dissenting voice. I thought it was snarky and kind of mean. That said, I DID feel this way about six-eight years ago - I understand the frustration and the tiresome explanations. But, we've come a long way. I've seen many of my homeschooling friends move into combinations of homeschooling and public school or into private schools or into public schools full-time. Know one knows what the future holds. Burning bridges and all of that.


Homeschooling was our choice and we DID the research and, after nearly nine years, I KNOW the reality. The videographer is right, it's not brain surgery, but I only feel that way because I've worked my way through these subjects AGAIN since I went to school AND after I'd made the choice to homeschool (I'm talking more logical stage kids here, not so much grammar stage). Why should someone else be expected to know this? Homeschooling's still an unusual choice for most people. The questions people ask do get annoying, but for the most part, they're asking out of curiousity, not as an attack (and there are exceptions!) I've learned that quick, succinct answers (with offers to loan stacks of books and send endless links via email) will shut most people down if you need to do that.


I get the point and I do see some of the humor in the video, but it's nothing I'd put on my blog. We work very hard and are lucky enough that it has worked out that I CAN be home to school the kids. Many of our friends, no matter how hard they worked would still not have this option. Many of our friends, would not be willing to work hard enough to homeschool. I'm not interested in dueling school-options with either group.


I think I might be "election-sensitized" lately. WHY does everything feel like it has to be us vs. them. (And, no, I'm not telling you if I'm an us or a them). It's exhausting and stressful and, ultimately, counter-productive. But that whole mindset is so pervasive lately and it's wearing me down.

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I'll be the dissenting voice. I thought it was snarky and kind of mean. That said, I DID feel this way about six-eight years ago - I understand the frustration and the tiresome explanations. But, we've come a long way. I've seen many of my homeschooling friends move into combinations of homeschooling and public school or into private schools or into public schools full-time. Know one knows what the future holds. Burning bridges and all of that.


Homeschooling was our choice and we DID the research and, after nearly nine years, I KNOW the reality. The videographer is right, it's not brain surgery, but I only feel that way because I've worked my way through these subjects AGAIN since I went to school AND after I'd made the choice to homeschool (I'm talking more logical stage kids here, not so much grammar stage). Why should someone else be expected to know this? Homeschooling's still an unusual choice for most people. The questions people ask do get annoying, but for the most part, they're asking out of curiousity, not as an attack (and there are exceptions!) I've learned that quick, succinct answers (with offers to loan stacks of books and send endless links via email) will shut most people down if you need to do that.


I get the point and I do see some of the humor in the video, but it's nothing I'd put on my blog. We work very hard and are lucky enough that it has worked out that I CAN be home to school the kids. Many of our friends, no matter how hard they worked would still not have this option. Many of our friends, would not be willing to work hard enough to homeschool. I'm not interested in dueling school-options with either group.


I think I might be "election-sensitized" lately. WHY does everything feel like it has to be us vs. them. (And, no, I'm not telling you if I'm an us or a them). It's exhausting and stressful and, ultimately, counter-productive. But that whole mindset is so pervasive lately and it's wearing me down.


Aw, hon, I'm sorry you're so bummed right now. I hope you bounce back soon.


I enjoyed this video because there are days when I feel like this and have these thoughts running through my head. Well, not these exact same words, but ... I hope you know what I mean. Kind of a stress release because I could never say any of these things. But I can fantasize! :tongue_smilie:


that was so funny!


I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope others do as well.

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