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The Teachers Lounge 11-15-2016


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Happy Tuesday!


Anyone see the Super Moon last night? Here: we did. Tried to take pictures but neither one of our phones have cameras

that can do a picture justice!


Anyone feel odd/off because of the moon? Here: hubby and I both had dull headaches for a good portion of yesterday and my daughter,

who has Aspergers, felt the double whammy of a full moon coupled by that time of the month! At least in this round she chose to just surround herself with a quiet environment instead of pushing herself to a full scale meltdown, which has happened in the past.


Who wants another few hours of sleep? Here: ME!


Who has something FUN planned for this coming weekend? Here: husband and kids are going to Thanksgiving banquet at church on 

Saturday. I will be in a town about 40 minutes from here, spending the day, visiting with friends I rarely see!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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My first teacher's lounge!


The Lounge is now OPEN!


Happy Tuesday!


Anyone see the Super Moon last night? We did. I missed the rise but I'm hoping to catch it tonight. It woke e up last night, shining in the bedroom window. I was about to get Luna up for the day, thinking it was the sun. 


Anyone feel odd/off because of the moon? No. I generally don't think we have a response to the moon. Maybe not enough feminine energy?


Who wants another few hours of sleep? I'm doing ok. Sleep training Luna. I've never resorted to it before, but this girl has always been different. As a result of her delays, she has been on a newborn sleep schedule of dozing off up to 5 times a day until a few months ago. She is now staying awake during the day, and she is SO crabby and tired most of the time. Getting her to take regular naps, preferably in her bed, and to stay asleep past 4am is a worthwhile challenge. 
I've never been one to care much about my baby's sleep. I figure they will sleep when they are tired. But in this, like everything else, Luna just needs a little more. 
So last night, I went to bed at a reasonable hour, knowing that it could be a long night. Luna slept almost till monrning. SHe fussed in her crib and I slept and slept until 8am! My word. I feel amazing!


Who has something FUN planned for this coming weekend? I have no idea. I don't even know what we are doing today. My kids have a half day of camp Friday. I might take Luna out for the morning. Or I might just come home. D is working 10 hour shifts, with a commute. He's gone 13-15 hours a day for four days, then off for 3. I love it. He's exhausted. He spends most of Friday sleeping. Luna gets to snuggle her daddy all during her nap. I can join him if I want. Or I can go out by myself. 



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