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Politics and/or current events group?

Wabi Sabi

Recommended Posts

Where do I find these groups? Thanks. 


Well, most people end up joining because they look at the boards by hitting "View New Content" on the upper right, so they see all new threads in all boards and groups.  When you click on a thread, you can join the group if you aren't in it (unless it is restricted, which I understand some are). 


If you are going to individual groups, just go to the blue line near the top of this page.  It has a list:  Forums, Classified, Members, Social Groups, Contact us.

Hit Social Groups.  Current Events and News probably shows up first because it is new. Then you can scroll through and join other groups that interest you as well.

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I've been on this board for years but had never noticed the tabs at the top of the page. I kept going to the main page for the forums and looking under social groups where there was nothing but a couple of inactive groups I joined a long time ago and couldn't figure out how to find new ones. 

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