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Hive Bakers -- quick advice needed pound cake


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I'm making DS a pound cake for his 17th birthday today. :) I'm a pretty decent baker/cook, but I have never made a pound cake before. The recipe I have (kitchen aide mixer cookbook) has the cake in a 10" tube pan, but I don't want to use that; I want to use a loaf pan. What adjustments to time, if any, do I need to make for this to turn out well?

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They were pretty close when I've baked the same cake in a tube vs. loaf. Loaf might have been a tiny bit longer but I didn't write it down. You really need to check for doneness especially when adapting.


fyi You'll have to make two loaf pans or turn some surplus into cupcakes/bars. 

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I typically make pound cake in round layers or in a bundt pan.   Round layers (9") cook about 35 minutes.   Bundt cooks about 60-75 minutes.   I would think loaf pans (yes, a recipe for a 10" tube pan will make 2 loaves) would need about 40-45 minutes, so I'd probably set my timer for 35 and start checking every 5-10 minutes after that until a toothpick comes out clean.   (And as a bonus, you can freeze the 2nd loaf - pound cake freezes very well!)

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Thanks everyone for that great advice. I used two loaf pans; they took about 50 minutes and everybody LOOOOVED it! (I haven't had a piece myself yet. Too full of chicken parmesan!) :)

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