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photograph of the deceased in the coffin... have you heard of this?

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I've never heard of this, but I do have pictures of my grandparent's urns so I guess thats almost the same thing.

My other grandfather's funeral was open casket but I don't remember any pictures being taken of his body. I didn't even want to view the body, but DH thought I should. I prefer to remember them while they were healthy and alive.

At my grandma's funeral alot of picures were taken of the living (it was the first time in about 20 years all three of my brothers and I were in the same room).

So, while I really don't think it's creepy they are not picures I would want, but to each their own. If it brings some people comfort to have those then they should.

As far as the family bickering goes all I can say is families just get weird after the death of a loved one. Just after grandma died some in our family fought over the stupidest things. Her clothes were fought over for crying out loud. she dressed like an old lady and I for the life of me could not figure out why my 30ish yr old cousins thought they were worth fighting over. :confused:

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I once helped a teen girl through her pregnancy and unfortunately her baby was stillborn. The nurses dressed the baby girl up as best they could and then took quite a few pictures of her in the basinette and in her mother's and grandmother's arms. I doubt the pictures were framed, but they were probably tucked away somewhere special. I thought the nurses were very sweet to do this.




When our daughter died shortly after birth, the OB nurses were absolutely wonderful. In a field that is supposed to be joy-filled, they often find themselves in very sad situations. Our nurses graciously rose to the occasion -- years later, they are still my heroes.


We took many pictures while our daughter was alive, but we also took a lot after she died. When it's the only chance you have to make memories, you take advantage of the opportunity. The pictures we took after her death are private and put up and are only seen by us (and usually only on her birthday) -- the pictures we took of her alive are on my piano and on my refrigerator and on my nightstand and anywhere there are pictures of my surviving kids. Had nowilaymedowntosleep.org been around when I needed them, I would have jumped at the opportunity -- what a beautiful thing to offer!


To answer Nicole's question -- I have never heard of taking pictures of pictures at funerals, but I think your husband did the right thing.

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