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Article: Education crash?


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The headline is incredibly click-bait misleading - it's not "education" that is crashing, it's for-profit colleges, which have had ethical problems for years and years.


The conclusion is tacked on without any actual examination of how community colleges are and are not adapting already to the needs of current students.


Really, they should have ended with an examination of where the for-profit education industry is growing: Charter schools.

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The headline is incredibly click-bait misleading - it's not "education" that is crashing, it's for-profit colleges, which have had ethical problems for years and years.


The conclusion is tacked on without any actual examination of how community colleges are and are not adapting already to the needs of current students.


Really, they should have ended with an examination of where the for-profit education industry is growing: Charter schools.

The actual state charter schools are usually through non-profits even if they are ultimately controlled by a large for profit such as K12.

Charter schools are off-topic for this specific forum!  So I apologize in advance.  Please move to Gen Ed if you need a thread.

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