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blue daisy

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Would you use both together?  Or just stick to ELTL?  I purchased ELTL for all my kids and IEW as well for my 6th grader as I felt he would need specific instruction in writing techniques.  We started school a month ago and have been using ELTL since the beginning and I put off IEW for a while, but I'm finding that ELTL has a lot more writing than I anticipated, and after a few tears the first week (lol), my oldest is doing very well with it.  He's doing outlines, narrations, etc. with no problems.  I'm seriously thinking of putting IEW aside for the year. Do you think ELTL has enough writing that I don't need another curriculum? He is using level 5.


For what it's worth, he is autistic (high functioning) and is very very bright, but written output can be very hard for him.  I don't want to push and overdo it, but I do want to make sure he is getting enough instruction.  I plan to add outlining and narrations into his history and science work during the year, but we aren't doing that yet.


If you've used ELTL, please weigh in!

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I had that idea this summer, too. We ordered IEW through our charter, and we just started ELTL a couple weeks back. This is for our 3rd grader who was struggling in writing last year--extremely bright child, but writing is not happening with the same ease. IEW has not arrived yet, but I am kind of regretting purchasing it as ELTL is working so very nicely for him.  Not sure I am even going to crack open the IEW, and if I do, I'm not totally sure how to work it in. Maybe as a special assignment once and a while, as ELTL looks as though you can skip a lesson here or there and not loose too much ground. 

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I had that idea this summer, too. We ordered IEW through our charter, and we just started ELTL a couple weeks back. This is for our 3rd grader who was struggling in writing last year--extremely bright child, but writing is not happening with the same ease. IEW has not arrived yet, but I am kind of regretting purchasing it as ELTL is working so very nicely for him.  Not sure I am even going to crack open the IEW, and if I do, I'm not totally sure how to work it in. Maybe as a special assignment once and a while, as ELTL looks as though you can skip a lesson here or there and not loose too much ground. 


I didn't even bother with a formal writing program for my 3rd grader, but I felt I should give my 6th grader more explicit instruction. But, yes, I've been very pleased with the ELTL curriculum.  I feel like my third grader is definitely getting enough writing practice and exposure to good literature and beautiful language. 

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If you actually have IEW, have you watched the DVDs?  That might help you to see if you need/could/should incorporate IEW into what you are already doing.  I highly recommend watching the DVDs. Just set aside 10 or 15 minutes a day while you fold laundry or pay bills or something.  Even if you don't end up using IEW as a formal program there are some helpful techniques in there that might assist you with helping your student should they run into snags in their writing in general.

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If you actually have IEW, have you watched the DVDs?  That might help you to see if you need/could/should incorporate IEW into what you are already doing.  I highly recommend watching the DVDs. Just set aside 10 or 15 minutes a day while you fold laundry or pay bills or something.  Even if you don't end up using IEW as a formal program there are some helpful techniques in there that might assist you with helping your student should they run into snags in their writing in general.


Good idea.  I've glanced at them quickly but haven't really watched.  At this point I'm leaning toward doing IEW slowly over two years with him, but I should watch the DVDs myself now to help incorporated their strategies. Thanks.

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