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How do I use natural speller??

Alison in KY

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I love the lists and the content, but I don't know how to organize everything so I am covering rules, prefixes, suffixes, etc into the main word lists. I usually like a pick up and go book. I know there is some great info here, but I don't want to spend alot of time working on lessons, and I have no idea how to even begin to make a lesson up. Any help would be appreciated.


Alison in KY

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It's funny, just this morning I was researching Natural Speller. I'm resistant to use any program at all, but something convinced me to go check out Natural Speller, as it would offer me the independence I craved, yet the guidance I need. All I need is a list of words, some guidelines, and I think I can wing it using Charlotte Mason's spelling style. I'm also planning on having ds write and correct his spelling immediately, writing it into a spelling notebook just for that purpose. This way he'll have his own spelling notebook.


I suspect if you want a "get up and go" program you may need to use something else, like Spelling Power or Sequential Spelling.


I don't own it yet, but have requested a copy from the library to review. I know Frontier Mom uses this program. Let's see what others have to say :bigear:

Edited by sagira
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I love Natural Speller. We have used SWO, BJU, and CLP a little over the years. But I always come back to NS. We test orally over a page or two. Then we spend a week on a 20 word list. I make a list of 4 activities and ds does one per day with a test on Friday. Activities include writing the list, alphabetizing, sentences and/or definitions, and syllabication. In previous years I also had an oral test on Wed. I add words to the lists that are mispelled in other writing. I also add other word forms (communicate-communication).


I love the flexibility.



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