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New Field Trip In California; Who saw this coming?

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Where's the outrage on the part of the parents?


Oh, there wasn't any.


In other news articles about this, it states that this is a small charter school, and that the parents were completely aware and supportive of the "field trip".

The families of the school children were given the choice to keep their children in school instead of allowing them to participate in the noontime field trip to City Hall. Two families chose to opt their children out; the rest sent their kids on the field trip with their blessings.


Said one father, Marc Lipsett, "How many days in school are they going to remember?"


Added Lipsett, "This is a day they’ll definitely remember."


Jaroflow explained the excursion in terms of the civics lesson it provided, saying, "It really is what we call a teachable moment."


Added the school’s interim director, "I think I’m well within the parameters" for permitting the outing to take place.




It's all about the spin.

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What a beautiful thing that these kids with their parent's blessings could be there to support their teacher.


I had friends get married this week-end myself. I'm proud to live in a State that has human rights for all (for now). And I'll be voting against Prop 8 so we can keep it that way.


Let Freedom (and Wedding Bells) Ring!!!



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my three year old's preschool in Berkeley had a pride celebration right after gay marriage was legalized. One of his teachers was finally able to marry her lifelong partner (though there was no field trip, I guess inviting a bunch of preschoolers to a wedding isn't a good idea!).


We think it's great that everyone finally has the same legal right to marry here in California.

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