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X-Posted: Jump In, Power in Your Hands, or EiW?

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I'm considering using either Jump In or Power in Your Hands with my ds who is currently halfway through WWS2. He is not a motivated writer, and has a hard time expressing his thoughts (both verbally and written). His take on life is: why use an entire paragraph to express your thoughts when a simple "fine" works just as well:). He also needs something that is very incremental, otherwise he gets frustrated with writing since it isn't something that comes naturally to him.


He may only be at home another year or two before he goes to a private high school, and I want to make sure he has a strong writing foundation (because I don't think he'll get it in the high school). The Jump In book looks a little "cutesy", and that is a big turn off to him, but I'm worried a program that is geared for high schoolers could be too much for a reluctant middle schooler. Since he doesn't like writing, I'm looking for something that will give a solid background in academic writing without adding in other types of writing that might be enjoyable and fun for some, but would be torture for this kid. He knows he needs to improve his writing skills because they are a necessary component of being successful in his future goals, but that is his only purpose for writing. PiYH seems like it would fit the bill of being a strong, yet straight forward, incremental program that would get the job done.....if it isn't so hard that it is frustrating. Any thoughts on doing it with a younger, reluctant writer?


The other thought is to go with one of the EiW programs. But again, I need something that isn't cutesy and has a focus on academic writing. Any comparison of the EiW programs, and the Jump In/PiYH books? Any suggestions for which level to start him in?



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I can't address Jump In or The Power in Your Hands - I tried to use Jump In years ago with my son, but we didn't get very far.  Not sure why.  Power in Your Hands I will be using with dd this coming year so no experience yet.  It looks good from just skimming through it.  We have used two years of EIW  Years 8 and 10.  This  program does fit your description of not being cutesy, but is focused on academic writing.  Mr. Stephens begins by going over sentences, then moves to paragraphs, then to essays and a final research paper.    All very incremental with examples and good grading rubics.    It is a good program and dd did well with it.  She really improved in her writing.  HTH



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I can't address Jump In or The Power in Your Hands - I tried to use Jump In years ago with my son, but we didn't get very far. Not sure why. Power in Your Hands I will be using with dd this coming year so no experience yet. It looks good from just skimming through it. We have used two years of EIW Years 8 and 10. This program does fit your description of not being cutesy, but is focused on academic writing. Mr. Stephens begins by going over sentences, then moves to paragraphs, then to essays and a final research paper. All very incremental with examples and good grading rubics. It is a good program and dd did well with it. She really improved in her writing. HTH



Thanks Pat, that is very helpful! I know you said you haven't used PiYH yet, but since you are planning to and have experience with EiW, would you be able to give me an idea of which level PiYH would seem to fit in compared to EiW? Also, does one program or another break down the writing process more incrementally?



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We used and loved Jump In in middle school. It is light for high school and if I were choosing a program for a high schooler who might not have many opportunities to get it before they head off to school, I'd go with TPIYH instead. It came out after we were done with writing courses or I would have used it with my kids as a follow-up to Jump-In.

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I am currently using TPIYH and we love it. I don't have time to type right now very much, Did you see the thread from a couple days ago about this writing program?


The structure is clear, pace is reasonable. I am adapting the writing assignments to apply to other content areas. Sharon Watson's website has a couple chapters available to download. This helped me. It teaches not only structure, but some style and a little psychology thrown in. It works well for my daughter who has such a distaste for brainstorming and prewriting. The book is written to the student, rather than an instruction manual for the teacher to communicate. I just read it aloud with my student, and we discuss it together. I am so thankful for a solid resource that is easy to understand and teach!


Check out the other thread, my comments there are more complete than here due to time.

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Thanks! I did see your post in the other thread as well and really appreciate the information. Still trying to narrow things down, but your post was very helpful. Can you expand a little on why it was such a good fit for your daughter who dislikes brainstorming and prewriting?




I am currently using TPIYH and we love it. I don't have time to type right now very much, Did you see the thread from a couple days ago about this writing program?


The structure is clear, pace is reasonable. I am adapting the writing assignments to apply to other content areas. Sharon Watson's website has a couple chapters available to download. This helped me. It teaches not only structure, but some style and a little psychology thrown in. It works well for my daughter who has such a distaste for brainstorming and prewriting. The book is written to the student, rather than an instruction manual for the teacher to communicate. I just read it aloud with my student, and we discuss it together. I am so thankful for a solid resource that is easy to understand and teach!


Check out the other thread, my comments there are more complete than here due to time.

Edited by Country Girl
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This book helps students learn how to organize information. It is not just teaching how to write an essay with an intro paragraph, 3 points with one paragraph for each point, and a conclusion paragraph. The exercises in the lessons require the student to make lists and then rearrange the list in various ways: most important reason to least important, spacial organization, chronological, one called psychological order which is 2nd most important reason, then least, lastly most important reason. The book discusses the actual work in takes to organize and structure a good piece of writing. The step by step approach is helping this student to "unlock" a little from the " I can plan it all just fine in my head" to seeing the value of using the a written list or diagram. Sharon Watson's examples make sense to my student. The book does not just teach a formula for writing, it guides the student through various exercises in learning a processes of organizing thoughts. The exercises are also "not personal,"  so that helps too. The examples are helping my student to see mediocre writing compared with good writing. We are only 5 weeks into our school year, so I cannot review the book yet as a whole, but so far, I am seeing progress.



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