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What is the life cycle of the amaralysis bulbs that I got for Christmas?

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The bulbs bloomed beautifully during Christmastime and produced flowers a couple more times during January. But now there are only green shoots that are growing taller and taller. When will they bloom again? In the spring or not until next winter? They are in pots by the way. I'm thinking of cutting off the green shoots and storing the bulbs in a cool place but if they will bloom this spring, then I'd rather plant them outside now.

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What did your mother do with the bulb? Plant it or what? I'd like for mine to grow in the garden but how?


My mother just has them in pots in her kitchenette area so they are like any other potted plant that you would have in your house. They along with most of her house plants go outside in the summer. She doesn't seem to do anything special with them other then give them a bit of fertalizer ever so often.
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