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Best Math Computer Games to Buy?


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I remember 10 years ago when we had all these great educational computer games for my oldest kids, like Reader Rabbit and Jump Start.  Now it's so hard to sift through "apps" (which don't do a whole lot); online free games (which are often disappointing or have tons of ads); and games where you have to pay a monthly fee (like Jump Start is now).  


Have you purchased any great software, or found an online game that you can buy one time, instead of a monthly fee?  My dd is 10.  I'm looking for something that would "provide hours of play"   :)  -- not just practicing math facts. 


Finding something is extra challenging because we have a Mac and a computer with a unique modified operating system for which you can't just go out and buy software.  Online games usually work on it, though. Unfortunately I can't use the games from my older kids on the Mac, because even if they originally worked on a Mac, they don't now due to operating system changes.





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Meister Cody :)


It's supposed to be for kids with dysgraphia and mine have that...but I think it would be useful for any Child gr 2-4 but even lower ir higher I think would be good at least for practice .


I had all those too with my big kids. The jump start etc. I was so sad when they didn't work on today's computers :(


The Meister Cody adjusts with your child's skill level..which is way diff than the ones we used to use :)


It's only 10. Per month too.

For that though, you get a daily progress report, their scores, what the avg child scores. It's really awesome. And the kids love it.


It interacts with them. I just can't say enough good about it. Again, it was supposedly made for kids with dysgraphia but, that's a game that would be fun for all kids :)

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Yea, ya know for us it was 20. We have 2 accounts for 2 kids. I figured that was why it was 20 instead of 10. Couple people said it was 10 a month.

I figured it was BC we had 2 accounts, 2 kids.


Sounds like they went up in price instead of thst being the price difference in what people said they paid and what I paid.

Glad you said that. Now I know.


I'm going to follow this thread BC ID like to know too. My boys learn well on a computer screen.

MC is the only one I've heard of really. I'm sure there has to be, I jus haven't found any.


Oh the days of the jump starts and such.

Everything costs so much now.

Of what I've seen anyway.

Edited by Kat w
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