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WA State High School Students: How many Credits can Student Take in ALE/PPP Before They Become "Full time"

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Hello.  My high school student has been under the legal status of "home-based instruction" from 1st through 9th grade. This coming year will be 10th grade and we want to retain the same legal status, but she may participate in some classes through a local ALE/PPP. There are 3 classes she is interested in taking, which is 3 credits. I have read the "Pink Book" several times and cannot find a legal definition of when "part time" enrollment crosses over to "full time" enrollment in an ALE.  :confused1:


Is it left up to the district to decide where that line is? I don't want my student to accidentally step into being legally a full time public schooled student.


If you have personal experience with my question in WA state, your input is very much appreciated! I've contacted WHO as well, but my experience in the past has been spotty on getting a response. They are probably extremely busy!


Thanks in advance,


Sara C.





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I can try to answer your questions, but I'm not sure how much help I can give you. My four kids have participated in our ALE since kindergarten, but they were always considered full-time until High-school when I purposely dropped their FTE and signed a Declaration of intent to homeschool. If she is only taking 3 classes, the school will only claim those hours. But it depends on the structure of the ALE. In my ALE, they limited the classes we could take to still be considered part-time. My oldest daughter was 97% FTE the year before she started running start as a homeschool student. We didn't have any problems enrolling her. I think a lot depends on the district. You'd probably get better advice from someone in your district who's "been there, and done that." What are your reasons for maintaining part-time status?


Best of luck, Joanne


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I want to maintain control over what she takes in the other courses - we're not thrilled with all the other classes offered. Also, my daughter's goal upon graduation is to join the Marines....and we would like to gear some of her coursework toward that (like helping her tailor a PE curriculum that would help her train for boot camp). 


Your suggestion that the district and the specific program are the ones to ask are probably right on. 

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We've done part-time with an ALE, and I asked the same question of my ALE.  I didn't get an "official" answer.  It was "how about 3 classes?"  (I took this as "we don't know, but surely this is safe?")
I don't think this is well defined, and I expect you will have difficulty getting a straight answer.  You might try contacting WHO and see if they can help make this clearer?

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My son has taken three credit via an ALE for the last two years. We retain full-time homeschool status as long as we don't take more than one core class credit, fill out our declaration, and fill out the form to request ancillary services from the school district. I think the rules may be per school district, but not 100 percent sure. (We are in district 81, if that helps. If you are in Eastern WA, there is a Facebook group, Spokane Area Homeschoolers, that is run by a very responsive WHO representative).

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