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What to do for grammar after completion of First Language Lessons 4. If you recommend Rod & Staff, indicate what level to plug into.


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DC finished FLL 1 2 3 & 4. Also finished WWE 1 2 & 3. We picked WWS level 1 (finished half) for our writing, it's challenging in a good way and we will continue, hopefully picking up the speed. Our next math level is Saxon Algebra 1/2. Boys are advanced musicians and are 10 years old. They enjoy/ed the above curriculum choices. I am a bit lost now and wondered where to continue on grammar. If you recommend to use Rod & Staff (which I researched here and am leaning towards) please indicate what level do you recommend to plug into and why? What other great choices for grammar can you recommend, in order of good, better, best, and the level to plug into. We also loved the memorization of poems in FLL, so any suggestion on that? Just as a side note, English is not my native language and recently I can't keep up with their speed of learning and duplicating the materials in any subject. Also, as I mentioned above, I am already leaning toward Rod & Staff and would like more input about the relative religiousness.. as I am not a christian and I wonder if it posed a barrier, if anyone overcame it as a barrier etc?

I have not yet communicated on forums before so I might stay silent after posting this question. Please accept my gratitude and thanks in advance. Any and all input will be appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by urbannaive
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After reading other threads on this topic, I decided to do Rod & Staff level 6 after finishing FLL 4. It was a challenge for him at first, but eventually he adjusted and has been able to work on it independently. Because I didn't want to devote much time to grammar, I ended up stretching it out over two years, so I was very glad I had started with level 6 rather than five. It worked out so well that this year I decided to skip level 7 and go straight to 8, and take two years for that too. So far so good (but we're only in the second week of school).


Rod and Staff is very Christian. Mostly it amounts to using sentences that reference biblical characters and events. I am a Christian so this was not a barrier to me. There were a few lessons on using a Bible concordance which I appreciated, but could just as easily have been skipped. 

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I am using two different approaches to grammar this year. We loved using FLL last year with my son, and decided to use Reading Street, which includes grammar in their program.


My daughter is using Voyages in English this next year. If I like it, I will have my son use it for 6th-8th grade.


I've never been a Rod and Staff user. Not sure why , but every time I have looked at it, I say no.

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