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I was using Greek Code Cracker during our Morning Basket time, and to start with everyone was enjoying it.


We are nearly half way through and it isn't working out too well. My DD11 is finding that we are moving too slowly for her liking. And DD7 is getting frustrated because we are moving too quickly for her.


I am contemplating moving the Greek Alphabet out of group time and adding it to their independent work. 


Is there anything else I should add or change? I like the look of Hey Andrew for my youngest.


If you had the same issue, what would your plans be?


I really have no idea where to go after Greek CC, just thought we would start with the alphabet.


I would give GCC to DD11 as a precursor to Elementary Greek, Greek For Children, Hey Andrew III, or Introduction to Classical Greek, and start DD7 on Hey Andrew I.


I say this as someone with younger children than you, but also as a student of Greek who heavily weighed the Greek programs currently on the market.

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