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Pop culture?


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Hi there!


Does anyone teach pop culture as a subject? I have 1st and 6th grade boys and today the sixth grader told me homeschooling makes him feel isolated because he does not know all the jargon and popular references when he meets others at the beach or old friends from when he did go to a public school (ended that four years ago).


How do I, and old boring mom[emoji15], find out what is hip and cool to expose him a little?


He also said he wanted more news and current events. Are there any good websites for kids that are appropriate without being dumbed down?


Many thanks!



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Do you have a Facebook account or friends you see regularly who are in B&M school?  My kids get a dose of culture (for good or ill!) from their cousins who are in B&M school, and I pick up a lot of tidbits about trends by watching the FB feeds of friends near and far--what their kid's shirt says, what party theme they choose, what they're doing in pictures.  Nothing formal, but that way I can decide if there's something that would be helpful for my kids to know a little about as far as culture goes.


As for media/current events, so far I just talk about things I've read on the news, but I was recently trying to find a good, kid-friendly news source, so :bigear:.

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As a part of school? No. But, I do make it a point to tune into a Top 40 kind of radio station when we're in the car and not listening to an audiobook, I let them play plenty of Minecraft, Pokemon, and other video games, we occasionally take them to concerts, they love watching Buzzfeed style videos, I've picked up a Taylor Swift spiral notebook for my daughter and bought my son a couple of posters of his favorite bands, etc. I do think that staying up to date and relevant with those kind of things has helped them immensely when it comes to relating to other kids. 

ETA: Oh, and I've let my oldest sign up for Instagram, music.ly and Skype accounts.

Edited by Wabi Sabi
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We bought a Clear Player last Christmas. Now we get to watch other movies with the kids besides animated kiddie movies! This is good especially for my son, who is starting to outgrow some of his former favorites. We've watched through all of the Marvel Avengers movies. Last week we started the new Star Trek and tonight will be Into Darkness. Anyway, I think that is helping them get a little more plugged in with pop culture. They are starting to recognize actors that have shown up in different films. And they don't have to feel left out when talking to friends who have seen these movies. Oh, and my daughter and I have started to watch "So You Think You Can Dance: Next Generation" together. 


Guess I can't leave out the importance of good ol' Mom and Dad. My daughter does the most hilarious "wouldn't be prudent, not at this juncture" impression which she got from her dad (she has no idea what it's from though. One of these days I'll have to find it on YouTube for her). 

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