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Going from Saxon Alg II into Chalk Dust

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My 10th grader is using Saxon Alg I this year and is doing well with it. However, I am looking towards next year and wondering how he will do with advanced math. He is self teaching and I am thinking at this point he might do better with a DVD type program. I have been happy with CD for my younger children and so I am leaning towards that for him.


I know Saxon has geometry mixed into their courses, but would he have had enough if he doesn't complete the advanced math? If not, I would need him to do the CD geometry next year, but then he would only be able to finish the pre-calc in 12th and I was hoping to have him finish at least the calc course, but possibly the trig too.


Would it be possible to do the geometry and the pre-calc at the same time?



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My dd did Saxon Alg 1 and 2, then struggled with Advanced Math. The Saxon method just failed her at that point. I realized then that she had been memorizing her way through Saxon. With Advance Math it became more difficult for her to memorize, so struggled with it. She finished 1/2 the book, then we went to TT Geometry. She finished TT early, so I had her review Alg 2 by watching Dana Mosely DVDs from spring through summer. Stopping the DVD to work out the problems. This was crucial for her because she lacked alot of understanding. Going through the DVDs was a real eye-opener for her because she said she finally understood concepts and could see the sequence of concepts and how they related to one another. This year in 12th grade, I gave her the option of doing Trig or Precal and she chose Precalc. She's really enjoying the course because she understands it now. She said she loves functions and graphs....go figure.


We've not done CD geometry, but I've heard it's pretty tough. I would hesitate to do CD Geometry and Precalc simultaneously. I don't have kids that are that motivated.


Your son would only get enough geometry through Saxon if he's finishes through half of Advance Math.


I emailed Mr. Mosely about geometry and he said he preferred the newer text because it is more focused on core material.


Since your son has already done some geometry through Saxon doing it separately would be review. Using TT would make it go quickly and somewhat painlessly.



Edited by langfam
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Thank you. I need to discuss it with my ds and see what he thinks. If we do go to CD I think we would do the geometry in 11th and then pre-calc in 12th. If we stay with saxon, I am hoping he'd be able to finish the adv. book in 11th and do the calculus book in 12th. I wonder how helpful the new Saxon teacher DVDs are in comparision tothe old DIVE ones? I wish the web site had a sample of how they work.


Anyhow, thanks!

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I think it would be a challenge to get through Advanced Math in one year. If your ds is mathy I think he could. I think the general recommendation from the textbook itself is if the student is highly motivated, they could complete it in 2 semesters. If not then, 3 to 4 semesters is suggested.


My dc didn't like the DIVE CD for Advanced Math. They said he would skip parts, or make assumptions about their understanding, so he was not always methodical or steps were not always clear to them. By lesson 20 with the DIVE CD, they were complaining and I had to go back over and reteach and take over teaching. It became such a burden for me to keep up with their lessons that I searched for other DVDs. I came across www.teachingtape.com They sent me a sample (free) and my dc liked it very much, so I bought the set. ds used teaching tapes and completed Advanced Math. The lady who teaches is very clear, concise and methodical and she teaches the exact examples from the textbook.


Just some thoughts.

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As an aside, and you can take it for what it's worth. My ds is the mathy one, but scored less than dd on the SAT. He completed Adv. Math. She did 1/2 Adv. Math plus TT geometry. ds from SAT and ACT scores was noticeably weak in geometry.

They both did CD SAT review.

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I've taught a 'supplemental' Geometry course for students who used Saxon through Algebra 2 but were NOT going to continue on to Advanced Math.


The course lasted between 6 and 8 weeks (Summer). I used an older (1992) edition Holt Geometry text and the students completed the first 6 chapters--proofs and logic and then we touched on a few application types that Saxon did not cover. Student and Teacher's texts cost around $30 combined!


Just a thought...



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