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tog unit 1 year 1 chronology ?


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I have finally looked through the whole of unit 1, (I am just trying it out for the first time) and I have realized, after I already ordered my egypt books from the library, that the chronology is out of order. I understand why they are doing that, but I am dealing with a 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grader as well as the 4 year old who is listening in on our bible readings. Is it going to be difficult for them to catch what is going on if I do it like they suggest? It seems very stange to "go back" to the beginning.

But we have already started in on our egypt books...I just jumped in without really going through things first (oops). Has anyone had experience with the younger kids - do they pick it up?



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So, we did the Egypt stuff first.


I probably won't do it this way next time. The chronology change was a bit odd for all of my kids and I don't see a major advantage to doing Egypt first.


That being said, I'm not worried about it. We'll switch the order on the next go-around.


Just week going with Egypt and don't worry about the chronology detail. As far as I can tell, that's the only place where we flip-flop the order in TOG1

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I have finally looked through the whole of unit 1, (I am just trying it out for the first time) and I have realized, after I already ordered my egypt books from the library, that the chronology is out of order. I understand why they are doing that, but I am dealing with a 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grader as well as the 4 year old who is listening in on our bible readings. Is it going to be difficult for them to catch what is going on if I do it like they suggest? It seems very stange to "go back" to the beginning.

But we have already started in on our egypt books...I just jumped in without really going through things first (oops). Has anyone had experience with the younger kids - do they pick it up?




We did TOG Year 1 as written (Egypt, then go back in time for Creation/Patriarchs) and intend to follow that structure next time through. It took a brief explanation (this week we'll go back in time and you'll learn why the Egyptian culture we just studied was so foreign to the children of Israel...) to my then-6 and 9 year old, and there were no problems. I think the Somervilles' purpose in doing Egypt first really highlights the "homelessness" of the Israelites and God's purposes in doing so - and in leading them home.

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We started TOG 1 for K this year and are doing week 3 this week. I fully intended to start with week 4, but my son overheard me talking about Egypt in March when I first purchased TOG and has been talking nonstop since about how he was going to learn about Egypt, and Pharaohs, and Mummies! I had also found cheap little pyramids at Wal-Mart (88 cents) to excavate our own Egyptian artifacts to go along with weeks 1-3. This little toy changed my mind because my ds was so excited to do it.


But really, we are preparing for week 4 next week and I don't thing it is going to pose a problem for him. He probably doesn't really understand chronology of time yet anyways. :)


As Nevada Rabbit said, you just explain that this week we are going back in time before Moses and the Pharaoh to creation ... it should work out smoothly.


All that being said, the next time we go through it, we will be doing weeks 4-6 first, then doing 1-3, purely for my own personal tastes. Either way works well.

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thanks for the replies! I started on the egypt part first with such gusto for the same reason: my daughter was so excited when she heard about it.

I tried to explain to them today why we are going to jump ahead in our bible readings for a while and then go back later...they seemed ok with it, but a little puzzled for sure. I think next time I will not do it this way, but I guess we'll see how it goes.


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