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Advice for my blog

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I really want to be part of the blogging community, but the perfectionist in me is keeping me from it. I finally started a blog, but I can't figure out what direction to take it. I don't really have an angle. Do I want to talk about homeschool, my general thoughts on life? I also can't choose my audience. Should I write what I want family members to read about our home life or really let it all hang out and write it mostly just for the blog world?


Anyone experienced this frustration? Any advice? Anyone want to see my blog?



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Thanks so much. Although I still have to answer my own questions (and the one you raise) about the purpose of my blog. But I suppose only I can answer that. How did you decide what your audience would be?


Ooops - sorry - that's not my blog! :) I linked you to her because she (BooMama) has done posts on finding your voice, but I'm not her.


I blogged for a while and never did really find a good groove, because I didn't answer those questions before I started. Looking back, blogging without an audience/voice/subject in mind is kinda like sitting down saying "I'm going to write a book!" without a storyline in mind. Take your time, THEN start.

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I typed out this really long response and somehow lost it. :(


So here's the short(er) version...


What brings you the most joy in life and what area(s) do you really think you have the most to share with others? And don't think it has to be one or the other - just homeschool or just family matters or just politics. Some of my favorite blogs are a little homeschool and a lot of life (Mt. Hope Chronicles and Life With my 3 Boybarians come to mind). Mt. Hope's blog (Heidi @ Mt. Hope on this board) has a blog full of great recipes, amazing quotes, even more amazing photography and beautiful reflections on life. I love going to her blog when I feel like I am in the rat race of life and need to slow down and enjoy my family. Life With Boybarians makes me laugh! She is witty and intelligent and just....fun! Both write about their homeschool adventure but it doesn't dominate their blogs.


Also, just a shameless plug for a friend...Darcy from the above blog has started a booming blog design business if you really get into this blogging thing. It is really fun to have a space that reflects who you are! You can access her design blog by going to the above link and clicking on Graphically Designing Button on the left. My dh designed mine for me and I love it!!!


One more word of advice from another perfectionist - just write. You will love some posts and hate others but they are *yours*! Enjoy the process as much as the product. :)


Can't wait to read more from you!!!! It looks like you're off to a fantastic start!

Edited by Jennefer@SSA
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thank you so much! you are very kind.


I typed out this really long response and somehow lost it. :(


So here's the short(er) version...


What brings you the most joy in life and what area(s) do you really think you have the most to share with others? And don't think it has to be one or the other - just homeschool or just family matters or just politics. Some of my favorite blogs are a little homeschool and a lot of life (Mt. Hope Chronicles and Life With my 3 Boybarians come to mind). Mt. Hope's blog (Heidi @ Mt. Hope on this board) has a blog full of great recipes, amazing quotes, even more amazing photography and beautiful reflections on life. I love going to her blog when I feel like I am in the rat race of life and need to slow down and enjoy my family. Life With Boybarians makes me laugh! She is witty and intelligent and just....fun! Both write about their homeschool adventure but it doesn't dominate their blogs.


Also, just a shameless plug for a friend...Darcy from the above blog has started a booming blog design business if you really get into this blogging thing. It is really fun to have a space that reflects who you are! You can access her design blog by going to the above link and clicking on Graphically Designing Button on the left. My dh designed mine for me and I love it!!!


One more word of advice from another perfectionist - just write. You will love some posts and hate others but they are *yours*! Enjoy the process as much as the product. :)


Can't wait to read more from you!!!! It looks like you're off to a fantastic start!

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One more word of advice from another perfectionist - just write. You will love some posts and hate others but they are *yours*! Enjoy the process as much as the product. :)


Can't wait to read more from you!!!! It looks like you're off to a fantastic start!


:iagree: I left you a comment on your blog. BTW, I like all kinds of different blogs. The ones Jennefer mentioned are also on my blogroll. There are so many different styles and voices out there in the blogosphere. Don't worry you'll find yours too!

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