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Do I HAFTA? The job search begins!!

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I'm applying for jobs and fellowships right now.


My funding runs out this year, and my diss will not be finished. :crying:


So, I need to find a way to feed my family next year. Could be a fellowship that would let me stay here one more year; could be a job that would take me even before the diss is finished; could be a one- or two-year non-tenure-track job that won't allow me much free time to finish writing (bad scenario--crappy pay combined with no free time); could be that I have to take a parish job and try to finish the diss while pastoring (worst possible scenario from the free time perspective, although oddly less disastrous from a financial one!).


The applications are all starting to come due this week.


If you are so inclined, would you kindly remember me in your prayers in the coming weeks? I hate having to sell myself anyway, but having to sell myself when I'm so far from the finish line is even more stressful. ("Well, actually, I don't know much at all about that topic, even though I'm supposed to, and I really won't have time to learn much about it until I finish my dissertation. Which I really should have finished by now." "No, no. I'm not a year behind on my diss because I decided to have a child. There's some TOTALLY OTHER reason. That I can't think of right this second. But you shouldn't have ANY WORRY AT ALL that I might up and reproduce while I'm working for you, and end up not producing the way I'm supposed to. Because I'll think of that reason in just a second. It's a really convincing one.")


Yeah, prayers that I'll actually get funding would be great. But prayers that I survive the process wouldn't be wasted, either. :chillpill:

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I'm praying for you! I remember finishing my masters while pregnant with ds number 2. Juggling classes, teaching, daycare, morning sickness - I still look back on those days and wonder how we survived.




I appreciate it.


You know, looking back, in some ways, the masters was even worse!

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Just being ultra-nosey...

what degree are you getting?


what is your dissertation topic?

I just started my doctoral program and cannot even see the light at the end of the tunnel (is there an end to the tunnel?) so it is nice to hear from someone who is closer. :D


I'm getting a PhD in Religion (Christian Theology and Ethics) at Duke. My dissertation is pain and suffering. I mean, it's about pain and suffering.


Haven't seen the end of the tunnel yet. There seems to be a lot more light around, but I can't quite tell where it's coming from. ;) It is nice knowing that I'll never again have to take a timed exam!! Prelims are this big scary thing, until you realize that it's the LAST EXAM you'll EVER have to take!!


I could stay in coursework forever. Especially if you cut out the writing papers and exams part. I love reading and sitting around talking about reading. That part was great fun. I hope you're enjoying it!!

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I'm getting a PhD in Religion (Christian Theology and Ethics) at Duke. My dissertation is pain and suffering. I mean, it's about pain and suffering.


Haven't seen the end of the tunnel yet. There seems to be a lot more light around, but I can't quite tell where it's coming from. ;) It is nice knowing that I'll never again have to take a timed exam!! Prelims are this big scary thing, until you realize that it's the LAST EXAM you'll EVER have to take!!


I could stay in coursework forever. Especially if you cut out the writing papers and exams part. I love reading and sitting around talking about reading. That part was great fun. I hope you're enjoying it!!


Very cool. It is exciting to hear about a woman getting a degree in religion. Do you deal with a lot of discrimination? What do you plan to do now or when you are done?


I'll spill my dirty little secret. I have been involved in public education for 14 years. I just started my doctorate in educational administration. I hate it. I REALLY want to do a degree in Theology (I would love to teach at the university level...theology, that is, not education, blech.) but most places that I have looked at won't allow women professors (someone won't even allow women in their program to get a degree). Also, not many denominations will allow women pastors.


Just wondering what your experience/perspective is on that?

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Just wondering what your experience/perspective is on that?


In the application phase, they were falling all over themselves to have me. They looked at my gender and my GRE scores and said, "This interview isn't about whether you're good enough to come here. It's about what we can do to get you to choose us."


It'll be different for the job phase. My gender will help, but my actual CV is weak, compared to other applicants. I've published less, and I've done my diss at a slower pace, because I've been homeschooling and parenting this whole time. {shrug} We'll see.


I'm clearly working in a different denominational setting than you are. The question of women's ordination isn't even a question in the places I'm looking at. The places you're probably talking about wouldn't hire me, either.

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In the application phase, they were falling all over themselves to have me. They looked at my gender and my GRE scores and said, "This interview isn't about whether you're good enough to come here. It's about what we can do to get you to choose us."


It'll be different for the job phase. My gender will help, but my actual CV is weak, compared to other applicants. I've published less, and I've done my diss at a slower pace, because I've been homeschooling and parenting this whole time. {shrug} We'll see.


I'm clearly working in a different denominational setting than you are. The question of women's ordination isn't even a question in the places I'm looking at. The places you're probably talking about wouldn't hire me, either.


So far I have found the most "seminaries" won't even let me in. Colleges are more than willing to let me in their graduate programs but then I notice that not one single professor is a woman. Hmmmm..... Also, I ama conservative christian but I do not have a problem with a woman as pastor. However, most conservative christian groups will not allow women to be pastors so it puts me in a tough spot.


I am excited for you and praying for the best outcome!

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