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ADHD books and websites

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Please forgive me. I know ADHD/ADD has been discussed before, but what I am looking for are specific recommendations for books and websites regarding the diagnosis and various treatments for such a diagnosis.


In one thread I found the website additudemag.com, but I am also looking for books that give information from all sides.


My 5 year old nephew was just diagnosed and his Grandmother is worried that he might be on medication that isn't needed. She said it makes him zoned out and very little of his vibrant personality remains. I am out of state, and am obviously not around him enough to have an opinion on whether he is just active and needs to be taught in a different way, yes he just might need the medication, etc.


I am looking for information she can read up on to prepare herself for when she speaks to people on his behalf.


Thank you.

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I am not 5 yrs old, but I can tell you that my medication does not space me out. I also am not hyperactive to begin with. I just have the attention deficit issues. I am on adderall, which is a stimulant. It enables my brain to focus on the tasks. I would see if you can get the name of the medication and research it. There are alot of newer ones out there. Here is a good website at which to start your research.


Good Luck!!!

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Please forgive me. I know ADHD/ADD has been discussed before, but what I am looking for are specific recommendations for books and websites regarding the diagnosis and various treatments for such a diagnosis.


In one thread I found the website additudemag.com, but I am also looking for books that give information from all sides.


My 5 year old nephew was just diagnosed and his Grandmother is worried that he might be on medication that isn't needed. She said it makes him zoned out and very little of his vibrant personality remains. I am out of state, and am obviously not around him enough to have an opinion on whether he is just active and needs to be taught in a different way, yes he just might need the medication, etc.


I am looking for information she can read up on to prepare herself for when she speaks to people on his behalf.


Thank you.


I suggest you cross post this to the Special Needs boards. Your post is more likely to be seen there by parents who deal with ASPD, it's medications and it's ramifications.


One thing they'll tell you is that the doctor will need to experiment with the type of medication and the dosage. Another thing is that they'll have a wealth of info on things that may reduce the need for medication, such as food allergies and sensitivities, Sensesory Processing Dysfunction (often co-exists) and other things. There's also a lot of info on how to manage short attention spans.

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I suggest you cross post this to the Special Needs boards. Your post is more likely to be seen there by parents who deal with ASPD, it's medications and it's ramifications.


what does ASPD stand for? I'm only finding anti-social personality disorder - I know they can co-exist, but it's completely different than ADD/ADHD, correct?


It was also the title of one site that turned out be user reviews for escort services, but I'm quite sure that isn't what you were referring to :D

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