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What extracurriculars do your children do?

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Over the years:

ballet --very short-lived in preschool

musical instrument---brief forays that were very unsuccessful, we decided appreciation was enough since she had other creative arts interests and outlets

gymnastics -- about 4 years low key (Little Gym) in preschool and early elementary

swim team -- neighborhood, two years in early elementary

aikido - along with her father, 9 years as of this year, ongoing

Girl Scouts -  going into her 9th year, ongoing

art classes -- 3 years through local parks and rec, late elementary into middle

backstage theater work - several productions with local community theater, jr intern with local children's theatre and a children's drama day camp, started in middle school and ongoing


through local homeschool co-ops/support groups at various ages and through the years---Science Olympiad, FIRST Lego League, cooking class, creative writing, art, photography, yearbook, book club, spelling bee, mythology, etc


summer camps -- standard outdoor activity type, science-focused through Girl Scouts and through children's science museum,  a history-focused one through local historic site, a film- and science-focused one on origin of movie monsters at the local college, collaborative world building science fiction/fantasy writing residential camp last year at a college out of town, and this year, one on stage combat and one on set design and scene building with local theatres.


This coming year she may be taking a tech theatre class and applying to be a junior ambassador for the local performing arts center (ushering twice a month and attending arts management workshops once a month) in addition to aikido and Girl Scouts. 


Can you tell that she's been through wanting to be an artist, a photographer, a writer, and, now, a tech theatre major? :)

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  • 4H - Dog Project*
  • Dog Agility*
  • 4H - Shooting Sports* (new for the fall)
  • Awana*
  • PE*
  • Swimming (hoping to finish formal lessons in the next few weeks...)
  • Art
  • Lego Club
  • Chess Club
  • Piano lessons (giving up this fall after 6 years....sniff, sniff.)

I think that's it? I put an asterisk next to what we plan to do in the fall....

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We have dabbled in quite a bit over the years from dance to horseback to ice skating.  However, the 4 things that stuck with her that we are doing now are competitive archery team, martial arts, Girl Scouts, and 4H for STEM/engineering.

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My girls are currently on a competition dance team and do piano. Next year we will start another tech class for dance along with the dance practices and start jiu jitsu with my twins. I do not get how you guys have time for all this other stuff. We might do the homeschool PE class also next year. I'm on the fence though because Jiu Jitsu is 2x a week, dance 2x and piano. I like having 1 or 2 days where we don't have anywhere to go. 

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