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Freedom Project Academy


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Anyone have any recent experience with FPA?  Someone mentioned they were interested for their child and I am unfamiliar.  I've looked at the site and the sample "class" videos.  I found an old thread with some negative feedback, but nothing recent or updated. 


I'd LOVE a university model school (UMS) here, but none in our area.  Anyone have a recommendation for an affordable, Christian online school for 7th grade? 

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I looked at it very hard at it last year. I really wanted try it but then the more I thought about it, there were a few things I didn't like about it. 1) The science curriculum only teaches creationism. I have no problems with creationism as long as it is taught along with whatever else that is called. (sorry drawing a blank at the moment). 2) I also worried about the rigid schedule of it. Yeah that is part of it's charm, but what if my younger baby (not kid being taught) is up all night and I don't have the time to sit with older child to make sure he gets his work done and is paying attention. What if my older kid is sick and not do anything? What if grandma and grandpa come out and want to go somewhere? Traditional homeschooling this isn't an issue. This school it would be. Also his swim class isn't on Friday. Friday is the only day off. So that could be an issue. 

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