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Science Help Needed


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I was hoping to make this decision at convention, but alas, do to some health issues I will not be able to go.


I have 3 children who will be 6th, 4th, and 1st next year. I would love to combine them in some way. I would love some independence in this area if possible. I asked them what they wanted to study next year and oldest said human body, middle said marine animals, and youngest said plants. So looks like Biology is the way to go. I had considered Science Shepherd, Mystery Science, and BJU DVDs ... non of which are biology :lol: but have those things in it. I have looked at ES and Noeo but those would be completely led by me. My oldest likes independent work and she actually leads the youngers well if it's something she can direct.


Trying to do one on one with math and LA takes up a lot of my time, and outsourcing history has been great this year, I would love something similar for science. (They were part of an outside class this year, but will not have that option next year).


I am open to other ideas as well. I prefer Christian or neutral.

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Well, I have 7th, 4th and 2 1st graders next year and we are doing: Anatomy, Botany and Zoology. I have not found anything independent. But my kids do not want that (DS might, but he does BETTER if we do it as a group/discuss).


But with that, we will use some of these lessons: 

Lessons 3-6th: http://simpleschoolingclassroom.com/index.php/free/free-3-6

Lessons K-3rd: http://simpleschoolingclassroom.com/index.php/free/free-k-3

and she has more: nature study, etc(just click on the free tab at the top). You could plan those with some assigned reading/reports??


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