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Can I jump to EIW at grade level without issues ? Placement . . .

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This week I'm trying to assess and revamp our writing. Please help! I'm burnt out on this writing thing!


We are finishing 3rd and 4th grade and here's what we've got:


We've completed 3/4 of  Rod and Staff English 3 an 4, all of CAP Fable and Narrative. It just doesn't feel like enough. Seems like we move thru the CAP lessons way too quickly . . .

I've seen folks recommend Writing Strands with RS, but I just can't try to figure out another program folks.


We did WWE  in grades 2 and 3 but got bored with doing the same thing over and over again. They can hold sentences in their heads really well, and have really good memory. No problems getting words down.


So in addition to Rod and Staff 3 and 4 I assign things from the hip. Whatever. Whenever. I don't feel it's a good way to do things and am super frustrated with writing right now.


It might be time to outsource this one?


We are dedicating time over the summer for a writing workshop and thought this might be a good time to introduce EIW and give it a try. I was going to do TC over the summer but have looked at the EIW site and videos and am leaning that way. I can always pull TC out to do in the fall. We can do Narrative II tn the second half of next year.


Which levels should we start with given what we've done??










Edited by RosieCotton
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I guess I'm wondering if I should buy levels 3 and4, and do those over the summer. Then move them forward with 4 and 5 so we are on track during the regular school year.


This is where I always get stuck with things. Do we need to go back and "catch up" on what they might have missed so far. Or does it repeat every year like LA usually does, so it would be ok to move forward and order levels 4 and 5.


This part of it really drives me nutso. :scared:


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I would place them at grade level without worry. I went down a grade level with my two after completing CAP Books one and two. It was unnecessary. They could have gone straight into grade level and they are very reluctant writers. Actually, the 4 and 5 levels were almost the same and in some places used the same sentences in the grammar portion. That is one program I would not hesitate to place straight in (or above) no matter what the background. Hope that helps.

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Ok THANKS EVERYONE for your thoughts.


We'll do levels 4 and 5 over the summer thru the fall, then move into TC when we are finished with it.

We've had alot of grammar so maybe we can skip some of the grammar portions in both EIW and TC, but we'll see how it rolls.


Maybe I'll plan for CAP Narrative II for when we finish TC. Depends on when that will be. Next summer maybe.


Thanks for putting my mind at ease! I'll will literally sleep better tonight. :)

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