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WWYD - 5th grade math related

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Dd just finished up Singapore 4B, she did okay and I had planned on just moving right into 5A, however, upon looking over her last two reviews and some reflection, I feel like we need to do a little remediation and review. She's very forgetful, so while she understands concepts she forgets steps. If she hasn't seen something in awhile she can be almost completely clueless. I'm thinking about just having her go through all the 5th grade math on khan academy and start 5A in the fall, but I'm curious if anyone has any better ideas. Thanks!

Edited by SemiSweet
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What topics do you feel like need review?  Does your dd learn well with video learning?  (I ask because my dd does not).  If you tell us that, we might have more specific suggestions. 


With what you've said so far, I would be inclined to suggest just moving on to 5A now.  A little math a day all summer.  At our house, if we don't use it, we lose it, and so we don't take summers off from math.





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