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need math curric. help

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My 5th grader is finding Saxon 6/5 very easy and has skipped to the end and still finds it easy.  I printed out the end of year test from Math Mammoth 5 and she's finding most of those easy with only a few of the word problems challenging her.


She doesn't feel like doing any math b/c she says it's too easy and *boring* gasp!  


Help me!  I know that at this point some people skip up a level.  Should I switch to a different type of math program since Saxon is easy and repetitive for her?   Math Mammoth 6?  She's almost finished with the end of year MM5, and I know I've had to help her with just 3 or 4 of the word problems, but she's got it for the most part.


I'm looking for some advice on what to choose next (switch programs, skip a year like they do at middle schools, etc..)from those of you familiar with this age and stage!


Thanks Mammas.

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If you want not easy and not boring, take a look at AoPS Prealgebra (my favorite math text ever).  Prerequisite skills would include all operations with fractions and all operations with negative numbers.  In the past, we did a little bit of MM6 before moving over to AoPS.


If AoPS is too challenging or not her style, MM is also an excellent program and goes through MM7, which is prealgebra.  Singapore may also be worth a look though the sequence is a bit different around 5 and 6; my guess is that it would probably be more straightforward to go into MM.  Also, the first chapter of MM will review a lot, so if she's not missing much on the end of year test for MM5, I would not hesitate to start in MM6.  You may also notice that because the organization of MM is mastery-style, if you find that she already knows a particular chapter going forward, you may give her the option of testing out of it.

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Definitely try AOPS PreA. The pre-test is kind of pointless though. It is not reflective at all how hard the book is.


My advice if you decide to use it: spend a lot of time on chapter 1. Really understand all the concepts and properties and get used to the idea of proving why the arithmetic works the way it does. It will save you much headache in later chapters when she makes silly errors in signs.

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We found that she needs a good unit on integers (positive, negative, grid) which I printed out from Math Mammoth. Once she locks that in I'll move to AOPS pre algebra. Thanks for the heads up on the first chapter.


Looking at their website do I understand that these are live online courses?

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You can use the text by itself just fine.  Or add the free online videos.  Or add the online courses.  Note that the online courses are more work than using the book alone - there is a weekly challenge set and Alcumus sections assigned, in addition to the book work.  (Alcumus is the free online problem solving practice program at AoPS.)  That can take up a lot of time.  Just starting out, I'd recommend using the book alone, and then if she's loving it, try the Prealgebra 2 online course when she's halfway through the book.


ETA, the classes are live weekly, in chat-text format, where the text scrolls up from the bottom of the screen kinda like Minecraft.  It is best to get most of the book assignments done prior to the class meeting, to get the most out of it.  The class does not check the book work.

Edited by wapiti
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