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Fun, creative, but short cursive handwriting practice


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Is there anything out there a four year old boy would like that is not focused on letter formation? Preferably something creative (like Draw Write Now) or with colorful pictures, or copying diagram labels, or solving a code, or...I don't know.


I've thought of several things that he enjoys but it all requires me leading and writing out the words for him to copy. I'd like something he can do independently when he wants. I think he's getting bored of straight copywork too, even jokes and riddles.

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My kiddos do HWT pretty independently with me mostly, besides the first several lessons, just checking their work afterwards. It's def. a self teaching curriculum with great and fun visuals for forming each letter. Mine learn cursive in third grade though. I'm not sure HWT done independently would be appropriate for a four year old though.

Edited by ifIonlyhadabrain
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He already knows how to form the letters and can do short copywork. But everything premade that I've found is longer sentences or paragraphs on things that aren't particularly interesting to a four year old.


So for instance after I taught him manuscript formation he just practices when he happens to write in an activity book or writes captions from a how to draw book or something. I can't find anything like that in cursive. He's not ready to write in cursive if he's looking at something in manuscript.

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I think I'll just get a kiddy drawing book that doesn't include copywork and make my own sheets that go along with each page and handwrite a cursive caption for the copywork. Still work, but I could do it all ahead so he still has something to just grab and do on his own.

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