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Writing/Submitting an AP Syllabus

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I have a rising freshman and I've spent the last week or so researching the pros/cons of APs in general and submitting a syllabus to the CB. This morning, I was looking over this page, and it looks like I could just submit one of their 4 sample syllabi as the one I will use. Has anyone done that? Any thoughts or ideas?



Edited by hsmom27
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I did do it. So we'll see what happens. I actually wrote my own syllabus for Human Geography, but then one of the samples was using the same resources in a very open-ended sort of way. I liked it, AND I was nervous about submitting one I wrote as my first one. :blushing:


I want to submit one more, and I don't like any of the samples. That one will have to be all mine.

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I did it this year for US History. I was using one of the samples as the basis of my syllabus. I finally decided that I could better use the time to actually do the course rather than making minimal changes to the syllabus.


Having said that, it is the course that I find I'm least emotionally invested in. That might be because I like the structure of this AP less than others, but I think not having built my own syllabus contributed to the feeling.

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