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Anki help--please

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I'm really confused, and I'm not sure if I'm setting this up correctly.


Right now my account has 4 profiles: one for me and one each for my three youngest sons. My profile has about 7 decks in it now--a couple I built and a few I downloaded as an example.


I can export them and then import them to a kid's acct, but then they show up as separate decks or as a tree. Do I want them as a tree? I keep reading that the cards should all be in one deck as it runs faster and that ends up working better. I'm worried I'm going to end up with a tree with a 100 sub files and that doesn't seem right.

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I don't know why it is importing differently than it is in your profile, but I did put all my questions in one deck. I just tagged them differently so that I could pull them out by tags if I wanted.


Can you tag and merge your decks, then import it all as one deck?


It has been quite a while since I worked in ANKI, but at least this might bump you.

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I keep all of our decks separated by subject and even curriculum, and I have never had any trouble with speed or anything else. I always get that little "You have a lot of decks..." message at the bottom of my collection, but I have been using Anki for years and have thousands of cards entered and review several times a week and we have never had a single problem. So I think the "too many decks" issue is hooey :D


I think having lots of decks makes it easier to manage adding new cards, as well as managing how and when to add new cards into our review schedule. Each deck has its own set of options, so I can control this really easily.


I create all cards under my DS's profile, since he is my oldest and the first to have to learn the material. Then I export the deck to my younger DD as she encounters that material/curriculum.


Because of doing it this way, my DS probably has about 40 decks. The parent decks are for the subject, and then each parent deck has a bunch of subdecks for different curricula or different topics within that subject. So, my DS's collection tree looks kind of like this:


- Appreciation

- History


- Facts

- Verses

- Catechism


- Grammar

- Integrated Chinese 1

- NPCR 1

- Phrases


- Tapestry Year 1

- Veritas OTAE

Language Arts

- Grammar

- Poetics

- Poetry

- Spelling


- Expressions


- Grammar

- Lingua Latina

- Mythology



- Appreciation

- Classical Music Themes

- Theory


- Apologia Botany

- Apology Chemisty and Physics

- BJU2


- DuoLingo


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I think of tranquility7 as the expert and would defer to her, but I can tell you how to combine the decks.


Open an account. "Browse"

Use the vertical list on the left top pick the deck you want to merge.

Select all (can't remember if this is ctrl-a or if there is a button)

Find the button at to that said "change deck" (or is it "move deck"?)

When you click it you will get a box with all the possible destination decks.


That's pretty much it. I use that when I add a new batch of cards to everybody's decks.

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I think of tranquility7 as the expert and would defer to her, but I can tell you how to combine the decks.

Haha, I don't think I've ever been called an "expert" in anything before!  Yippee :D


And really I'm not an expert - I'm more of an "experienced user", but I also think that people use Anki in many different ways, and there isn't just one way to do it. I've found a good way that works well for us, so I try to share that when people are looking for help... But my way isn't the only way.


Also, don't forget that Anki has well-monitored help forums where questions get quick and helpful answers! Surprisingly fabulous support considering it is a free product!

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Also, don't forget that Anki has well-monitored help forums where questions get quick and helpful answers! Surprisingly fabulous support considering it is a free product!


And by mentioning the Anki support site, I am *not* trying to say to not post about it on WTM - please do! It's good to get the word out about Anki. But I also wanted to make sure everyone knows about the help forum since it is SO good, and has been a great help to me more than once over the years :-)

Edited by tranquility7
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I also use multiple decks.... I use tags for things like lesson numbers so I can easily suspend or unsuspend them.


We have, from the top of my head...


All About Spelling


--extra words

Memory Work


-----Old Testament

----- New Testament



Math Facts

Morse Code


Hope to add some language stuff...


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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