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Does anyone have liver cysts?

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I've had a lot of right upper quadrant pain as well as a weird bloated type feeling. Last week they ruled out gallbladder. On that ultrasound it showed at least 3 cysts around 4 cm each on my liver. I had one cyst about a year ago but it has grown 2 cm since last April and now I have at least two more. The doctor says that liver cysts don't cause pain, although through my research online it says sometimes they can. It seems like one of those things that can be an incidental finding but sometimes can mean more. I also have a fatty liver. The doctor wants me to have a focused liver ultrasound in one month to see if there are any more changes. I'm just a bit worried because I'm in a lot of pain. She thought it was gastritis due to a Medrol dose pack a few weeks ago but my stomach doesn't hurt. Also my mom died of cancer and I was on a drug for a year that has a rare side effect of cancer.


Does anyone have experience with this? Would you wait the month or push for an earlier ultrasound?

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