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Derek Owens Geometry questions

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I'm considering enrolling DS in DO's Geometry this spring after he finishes algebra. The idea is to get him experience being held accountable to someone else before starting public high school in 9th (he is currently in 7th). I know I can email Derek directly, but was hoping to hear from people who have had experience with this class before deciding whether it's worthwhile or not.


Background: currently DS likes around 10-15 minutes of time at most going over a new lesson with DH. This is usually in the evening and he completes a section on his own every morning. He rarely has questions he can't figure out himself.


I noticed that note taking is emphasised in the DO class and while I like the idea for practice, I am curious about how much time it takes? DS has never kept notes and I can see it being very tedious for him, though I do think it's an important thing to learn. Is this an essential part of the class? Did your kids find it important, and if so why?


We haven't outsourced any classes before and I want to make sure it doesn't just end up being a time suck. DS has very little patience for repetition and if he feels like the class portion is wasting his time, he'll just skip it and work on his own.


So...for those of you who have used it, would you recommend it? What did you like most (and least)? Are there other geometry classes I should consider (secular only)?


Thanks for any input you are willing to share!

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I've done two Derek Owens classes - both on my own rather than having Derek Owen grade, so I can address some of your questions, but not all. We've done prealgebra and physics.


The daily videos are not too long. They tend to be in sections that are 3-6 minutes and have multiple videos per day. Notetaking is encouraged during the video and it usually consists of filling in the blanks in the workbook and copying examples. There is not excessive note-taking.

My son takes great notes, and never has any questions with physics. He can do the work on his own and I grade.

My daughter doesn't take any notes (due to learning disabilities). Sometimes she gets stuck and then I go back to the examples and work them out with her (where she should have notes, but doesn't have any).


My son will go slowly through the lectures that have a lot of new material, but then he goes double speed through other sections. I can't process the information that fast, but it works for him.


I've been very happy with our DO experience, though I haven't used him for grading and help.


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