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Online German- what are my options?

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I stupidly have not been taking notes when this comes up on the board, and now I can't remember some of the programs that are out there for online language learning!  


We are already doing DuoLingo, and ds will probably be finishing up by summer.  


What I am looking for:


- online German with class-room like elements.  Either recorded or live lectures, and telephone/skype interaction (my recollection is that this was about once a week)


If you know of a good program that does not offer the telephone conversation part, this might be ok, as we do have access to native speakers.  


What I don't want:  Rosetta Stone or RS lookalikes.  



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  • 11 months later...

Bumping this old thread as I'm looking for online German 1 for my dd#1 who wants to add another language.

I'm familiar with WTMA, CLRC, some former Landry teachers (that I'd have to search around a little bit for), Potter's School, Oklahoma State Online German (although she does much better with live classes), and ??


Anyone want to chime in with recent (including this year) experiences? I'd love to have feedback on any of the live classes and teachers.

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