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BJUP "Homesat"/Distance Learning Survey


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Just in case you aren't on the Yahoogroup to get the link to this!


Some of the fields aren't large enough to spew all i wanted too though! :tongue_smilie: At least i feel like i have officially told them - i'm too poor for your DVD and Hard Drive options (and don't use all the classes anyway).


Now that the dust has settled a little bit, we'd love to hear what our

satellite customers think--about our announcement, about what they plan to

do in the future, and we'd also like to get their ideas on ways we could

make their lives easier with other distance learning options. The link is




and we hope that you and the other moderators wouldn't mind posting it as a

thread on your user group. -Jennifer at BJU Press

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My beef is that there is no option for purchasing or even re-using the hard drive or DVD's within families. If you want to re-use a course with younger siblings, you've got to pay full price for the DVD or drive, and get all new books and TM's. If you look carefully, you'll notice that the books are 60% of the price. BJU could easily reduce the price of their packages by that much, only charge for the hardware, and let hs'ers find books and materials themselves.


Other DVD based courses (I'm thinking of Chalkdust, Teaching Company, etc) don't demand that you give them back the discs once you're done. Jeez.


I have a big problem with having to give the disc back too. If we are paying $400 for one course ( high school) we should be able to keep it! And yes, I'd love to see the one course options for all the grades.

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Just so y'all know, they have more up their sleeves than what they're telling people at this point. They're developing software to do some really cool things that homeschoolers and college level extended ed users are going to love. It's just not ready yet. So truly, if you tell them what you WANT to see, they literally might be able to do it! And yes, they recognize it was a problem to yank the one without having the replacement ready. But it is coming, so tell them what you want it to look like! Want interactive online classes with a live teacher? Tell them! Whatever ideas you have or things you've seen elsewhere you've liked, pass it on.


I'll tell you, I was not AWARE of how much technology is changing the face of education and the way stuff is being done. See we're so in our box thinking only of dvd's vs. satellite. There's software out there now and stuff they're doing that's really cool! Apparently at MIT and other places they record all the classes, including computer screen shots with voice synchro, the whole nine yards, and then the students can make up classes. They (BJU) are updating the way they do correspondence courses using technology like this. And it's all going to trickle down to our lowly high school and elementary classes. So give them your ideas and see what happens. From just the little bit I've seen so far, they're working hard to give a really great replacement and improvement!

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But the bottom line for *me* is that i can't afford the price point they offered in the survey.


All that will be wonderful - and i'd love to do it, but well, the $50/mo for the sat service is all the budget stretches to.....


AND, i really don't want an all online service. I need an affordable option like the satellite. I'm stretching my costs thru the year and doing the "hard work" with the DVDs.


It will be cool to see - but there is no way i can pay more than i am right now :(

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