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Can you intellectually know something, but not *feel* it?


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I will say one thing to add to what you write Desert Strawberry:


If he is not physically endangering you, not cheating, and not making cruel remarks, simply, he not there for you--then I would not leave with a child in the house. I'd let him go but I wouldn't necessarily leave. I would emotionally disengage and make friends and find a way to get that need met elsewhere in a platonic relationship (ideally with someone that I couldn't possibly ever be romantically attracted to).


Being neglected can be incredibly hurtful, but at the same time, given how fragile we are--I think at this point counseling and reaching out to get needs met elsewhere might be a healthy road for the time being as well.


My advice would be different if he were actively belittling OP and like, following her around the house to criticize, but from what I understand, he's more a defensive person. He doesn't outright say things, he just does little things and then refuses to apologize. Irritating, hard to love, but possible to live with if you have a teen daughter who has anxiety. Protect yourself, heal yourself and your daughter--whether you remain in the home or not. :grouphug:

I would normally agree with you. I am a believer in preserving the marriage for the sake of the children when it is possible and not detrimental. However, he is also neglecting the children. He is doing them harm. He dismisses and belittles their feelings. I would not allow that. 

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