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Tablet Class Math vs Saxon Math?

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I cannot determine the level of rigor, when compared Tablet class to Saxon Math(Algebra 1 and 2)

Does anyone have any opinions comparing these two?(Algebra 1 and 2 of TC and Saxon)Rigor, how comprehensive they are, etc, in comparison to each other?Which Math course is more solid in the high school math realm for the Engineering field?

Many thanks and Thoughts appreciated!!!


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I've used both. Saxon has a lot more review than Tabletclass. If you have a kid that can watch a video lecture, do a few problems and then just get the concept and remember it, TabletClass is good. I actually used it to give my son a broad overview of algebra after using CLE algebra with him (since CLE is spiral like Saxon and the big concepts aren't as clear with the method). Tabletclass would never have been enough for either of my kids unless I built in my own review.

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