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Study: Substituting Starch for Sugar- calorie for calorie net weight loss


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I hate to post and run but I read this article this am and found it interesting. They first tracked the kid's diets and then took out the sugar and replaced with with starch, numbers improved on bg, blood pressure and cholesterol levels improved and weight reduced- despite the fact that calories were kept the same. This was not a low carb diet though, sugar was replaced with starch as stated.



- The study was very short and the sample small 

-Robert Lustig- a noted anit-sugar pediatric endocrinologist was the head of this study- I was surprised that he didn't have them replace the sugar with fat considering that he pushes fat but that makes me find the study all the more interesting


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One issue I see is: "Participants consumed a diet for 9 days to deliver comparable percentages of protein, fat, and carbohydrate as their self-reported diet; however, dietary sugar was reduced from 28% to 10% and substituted with starch"


I would be really interested to see what would happen with participants consuming a diet to deliver exactly what their self-reported diet consisted of. There are studies showing that even dietitians underreport their own calories. It strikes me that this ought to have been done prior to his 10-day study -- i.e. 10 days of consuming a diet made up to deliver their self-reported diet and then 10 days of the low-sugar diet. 


Reference on the reporting:  http://weightology.net/weightologyweekly/index.php/free-content/free-content/volume-1-issue-8-do-dietitians-accurately-report-their-food-intake-and-confirmation-bias/do-dietitians-accurately-report-their-food-intake/

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